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Toddler Health Concerns
As your baby grows into a toddler, there will be times when you are concerned about their health. Having a sick toddler is no fun for anyone.
6 mins to read

Benefits of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is nature’s intended way to feed a baby and has a number of health benefits for both mum and baby.
3 mins to read

Virus or Bacterial Infection?
Many illnesses in infancy are caused by either viral or bacterial infections. Your doctor can help establish which type of infection your baby has and how to possibly treat them.
3 mins to read

Navigating Infant Ear Infections
One of the most common infections in children between six months and three years is a middle-ear infection called otitis media. Learn more.
9 mins to read

Understanding Baby Fever
One of the biggest concerns that parents have is when their baby has a fever. It is also a common reason why parents seek medical advice for their infant.
12 mins to read

Baby Vaccinations and Immunisation Schedule
Fortunately parents do not have daily reminders of the chronic debilitation and deaths caused by diseases such as whooping cough, polio, measles and diphtheria.
3 mins to read

Teething Symptoms & Signs - What to Expect in Your Baby
Teething can be a difficult time for your baby and you too. We’ve put together a teething action plan to help you through these tough days and nights.
5 mins to read

Baby Allergies
Statistics show that Australia has one of the highest rates of allergies in the world, although it’s not entirely understood why.
10 mins to read

Baby Probiotics and Gut Health
Wondering how to support your infant's gut health? Learn how baby probiotics may help.
6 mins to read

Human Milk Oligosaccharides & Infant Immune Health
Explore the role of Human Milk Oligosaccharides in breast milk and how they support infant immunity and promote a healthy gut.
4 mins to read

Baby Eczema
The skin is your baby’s largest organ and plays a really important role in protecting your little one from external bacteria and infections.
5 mins to read

What Support is Available If I've Decided to Formula Feed
There are many parents out there just like you, who have for whatever reason, decided not to breastfeed, and given this is to be an unlikely easy decision, it’s important to know what support is th
2 mins to read

My Toddler is Constipated - What Now?
Your toddler may poo once a day or once every few days. This article explains the possible causes of constipation in children and how to help alleviate it.
4 mins to read

Toddler Diarrhoea - What To Do
Diarrhoea in toddlers is characterised by very frequent, liquid stools. It is important to identify the cause before diarrhoea can be treated effectively.
6 mins to read

Fever in Toddlers
When your toddler's temperature is higher than 38°C it's considered a fever. Read more about the reasons your toddler might have a fever and what to do.
5 mins to read

10-Month-Old Eating Plan
Around 10 months (but anywhere from 8), your baby's meal plan can start to include foods that have increased variety and texture.
3 mins to read

Healthy Food for Pregnancy
Discover the power of healthy food for pregnancy: essential nutrients, vital vitamins, and recommendations for you and your baby's well-being.
10 mins to read

Navigating a Coeliac Pregnancy: Gluten-Free Diet Tips & Nutritional Advice
Hear from mum and dietitian Marika Day about how women with coeliac disease can get the nutrients they need during pregnancy.
8 mins to read

Hospital Bag Checklist
Is your due date around the corner and you’re not sure what to pack in your hospital bag? We’ve put together a simple hospital bag checklist with all the essentials.
5 mins to read

Effective Co-Parenting Strategies for a Healthy Family Dynamic
Wondering what co-parenting means and how to co-parent successfully? Here are some straightforward tips and strategies to make it easier to agree on and work in a parenting partnership.
10 mins to read

How to Use Expressed Breast Milk for Bottle-Feeding
Bottle-feeding does not mean an end to breastfeeding. It may just be another means for your baby to continue to receive full nutrition in the form of expressed breastmilk.
4 mins to read

How Much Milk Should a Newborn Drink?
Newborn babies will drink as much as they need when they are hungry. They are usually quite good at regulating their intake and stop drinking when they feel full.
6 mins to read

Introducing Solids to Infants: Your Guide to Starting Solids
Starting solid foods is a new and exciting step in your baby’s development journey, but knowing where to start can be confusing. Let us help you master mealtimes!
11 mins to read

Constipation in Newborns
There is likely to be slight differences in poo between babies depending on their age and what food or milk is being consumed.
8 mins to read