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How Much Sleep Does My Baby Need?
We all know how precious a good night sleep is and this is what we strive for. For yourself, you are pretty good at knowing what you need – but for your baby, it’s a whole different
1 min to read

Stay-Healthy Menu Planner
Use this practical menu planner to help you be your best
1 min to read

Pregnancy Weight Gain
During pregnancy, it's a good idea to keep track of your weight gain. Always consult with your healthcare professional if you are concerned.
1 min to read

Your Toddler’s Essential Shopping List?
As your little one grows and becomes more independent, you may find they use food preferences as a way of exerting their authority! Making sure they have a healthy selection of foods to choose
1 min to read

Your Baby is Growing By Leaps and Bounds
Your baby is growing fast! The first year, a baby multiplies his weight by 3 and his length increases by 50%!
1 min to read

Ready, Steady… Walk
By now your little one is likely to have started to get the hang of crawling, and is probably well on their way to cruising.
1 min to read

How Your Baby Develops
Pregnancy is an exciting time, full of changes and anticipation.
3 mins to read

Maternal nutrition can influence baby's lifelong health
Every mother wants to give her baby the best start in life.
1 min to read

Your 10-12-Month-Old’s Activity Planner
You may have noticed your baby is moving more and more every day—it may sometimes feel like they’re in constant motion!
4 mins to read

When to Take a Pregnancy Test
The best time to take a pregnancy test is around 11 days after your missed period.
4 mins to read

Your 8-10-Month-Old’s Activity Planner
The time you spend playing with your baby is precious, and enjoying games together is fun for both of you. But playtime is much more than just special moments spent together.
4 mins to read

Baby-led Weaning Checklist
Most babies start solid foods at around 6 months. Baby-led weaning, where your baby feeds themself finger foods, is a way to help them discover new flavours and textures at their own pace.
3 mins to read

Breastfeeding for Beginners PART 3: Get Comfortable
Check out these four tried-and-tested breastfeeding holds that help you both relax and encourage your baby to latch on well. Which one works best for you?
2 mins to read

Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist
Planning to breastfeed but not sure how to start preparing? Here is a list of our breastfeeding tips for first-time parents to help you prepare.
2 mins to read

Leaving Babyhood Behind
His ability to grasp now means your child will be easily picking up his food with two to three fingers instead of his entire hand.
2 mins to read

Your Toddler, the Independent Eater
By now your toddler is really getting the hang of self-feeding. And you're probably used to messy mealtimes!
3 mins to read

How to Express Breastmilk
Feeding directly off the breast is ideal, but there may be times in which you need to express and give your baby the goodness of breastmilk, out of a bottle.
1 min to read

Breastfeeding for Beginners PART 4: Get Confident
Now you’ve mastered breastfeeding in the comfort of your own home, it’s time to get out and about!
2 mins to read

Breastfeeding for Beginners PART 2: Get a Good Latch
How to make sure your baby is feeding well and you’re both comfortable during feedings.
3 mins to read

Baby Bottle Feeding Equipment
If you have decided to bottle feed your baby, there is some equipment which you will need. Thorough cleaning and sterilising of the feeding equipment is most important!
1 min to read

Baby Activities: Bonding Playtime Ideas For Your 4-6-Month-Old
Follow these five ideas to fit fun games into your baby’s routine that will help with their development too.
3 mins to read

Becoming An Independent Eater
Now that your 10-12-month-old is really getting the hang of feeding themself, keep offering them a wide variety of foods and textures to establish good, healthy eating habits.
5 mins to read

Changing Food and Nutrition For Your 8-12-Month Old
Your baby may be on the move, crawling, or getting ready to take some first steps. Their diet is on the move too, changing in so many ways.
1 min to read

Feeding Recommendations For Toddlers 19 to 24 Months
As your toddler learns more words, has more coordination, and wants more independence - their ability to make food choices and self-feed will increase.
2 mins to read