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8 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
About the size of a kidney bean, your little one measures about 1.3 cm long. Learn more about this week.
3 mins to read

7 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
Your baby is already a pretty impressive 10 mm long. Though you won’t feel it yet, they’re on the move.
2 mins to read

5 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
Though only around the size of a sesame seed, your baby is growing by leaps and bounds. Relatively speaking!
2 mins to read

3 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
You’re at the very beginning of the journey. You can’t see anything yet, but that doesn’t mean there’s isn’t a whole lot going on.
3 mins to read

4 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
Almost one month already! There are lots of things happening inside you this week.
2 mins to read

Healthy Hydration
Did you know? Offering sugary drinks to your baby adds extra calories to the diet and can negatively affect their teeth health? Offer water in a cup instead.
2 mins to read

7 basic rules of safe food preparation
Follow these stay-safe principles when you’re shopping or preparing food for your baby.
4 mins to read

Best First Foods for Infants, and What to Avoid
There will be plenty of time for occasional treats when your baby is older, however particularly in the first two years when your baby’s tastes are developing, it is important for them to stick to
5 mins to read

C-sections: What You Need To Consider
There may be several reasons why your doctor or obstetrician recommends an elective (planned) c-section. Here are a few things to consider and discuss.
3 mins to read

Decoding Pregnancy Pains: Causes, Coping Mechanisms, and When to Call the Doctor
Pregnancy is an extraordinary time, but it is not without its fair share of pregnancy discomforts.
10 mins to read

Giving Birth – From Vaginal Birth to C-Section
It's normal to be nervous about giving birth. Knowing what happens while giving birth can help create a positive start to your parenting experience, take a look.
10 mins to read

C-Section Recovery Checklist
As with any surgery, C-section recovery takes time. Here are some things to think about from C-section recovery time to cleaning C-section incisions.
3 mins to read

Working Out Your Birth Plan
Giving birth is less daunting if you have an easy to follow birth plan in mind, to help the day go as smoothly as possible. See our birth plan guide.
4 mins to read

How to Overcome 'Mum Guilt'
Tired of battling mum guilt? Dealing with mum guilt is something many women experience as the expectations and responsibilities of motherhood are immense.
7 mins to read

How To Emotionally Prepare for Parenthood
You're expecting a child, so do you know how to prepare for parenthood? Read our easy tips so you know what to consider before becoming a parent.
3 mins to read

How To Be a Confident Parent
Becoming a new parent and bringing your newborn home is the most daunting experience to navigate.
3 mins to read

Understanding Your Fertile Window
Ovulation & your period are part of the same cycle. For 'mums-to-be' the opportunity to conceive comes around roughly once a month for a few days, this is when ovulation occurs.
8 mins to read

Baby Nutrition - Mini Meals For Mini People
The dietary needs for infants during the first year of life are higher than those of adults.
5 mins to read

Bringing Baby Home
Arriving home with a newborn and no midwife standing by to help or encourage you can be daunting. You may find you can’t take your eyes off your newborn and burst into tears for no good reason.
4 mins to read

Lonely Parents: How Can You Feel Alone With a Baby in Your Arms?
You never get a minute to yourself, yet you’ve never felt lonelier? Yes, that’s the paradox of lonely parents.
4 mins to read

Bathing Baby
Your baby will love a nice warm bath and if not, be patient – it won’t take long and they will and won’t want to get out!
6 mins to read

How to Calm a Fussy Baby
Babies thrive on love, attention and responsive feeding. Your perception of whether you have an easy baby or not may have a significant bearing on how difficult you find parenting.
3 mins to read

Understanding and Managing a Fussy Eater
Are you facing challenges with a picky eater? Wanting some tips for fussy eaters? You're not alone. Many parents encounter difficulties when it comes to their child's eating habits.
5 mins to read

Your Guide to Toddler Meals and Nutrition
As you probably already know, toddlers are incredibly active and energetic! For their body size, toddlers need to make every bite count with nutritious meals and snacks.
6 mins to read