NAN EXPERTpro A.R. (NAN EXPERTpro Reflux) Infant Formula for Babies with Regurgitation – 800g
NAN EXPERTpro A.R. (NAN EXPERTpro Reflux) is thickened with a plant based starch. Our unique blend of a plant-based starch and L.reuteri (DSM 17938) contribute to the dietary management of regurgitation. NAN EXPERTpro A.R. (NAN EXPERTpro Reflux) is not suitable for general use and should be used under medical supervision.
NAN EXPERTpro A.R. is ungergoing a name change to NAN EXPERTpro Reflux. You will start to see this name change reflected on the packaging in store. There is no update to recipe, only a new name on pack.