Pregnant woman receiving an ultrasound by a technician

12 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1

12 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1

Sep 5, 2024
6 mins

You’re coming to the end of your first trimester, and now 3 months pregnant. Congratulations!

The 12th week of pregnancy is a significant milestone in your pregnancy journey, marking the completion of the crucial early stages of development. As you enter the second trimester, embrace the excitement and anticipation of the wonderful milestones and experiences that lie ahead.

Your baby at 12 weeks

As your first trimester is coming to a close, you can now begin to see the face of your baby. Frankly, what a gorgeous face it is! Your little lodger has doubled in size in the last 4 weeks and now has all their organs in place, their little kidneys are working, and their digestive system is starting to develop as they start to practice their breathing and swallowing. If your baby is a boy, his penis is already apparent but not quite visible on an ultrasound. If you want to wait until he or she is born to know whether you’re having a son or a daughter, make sure you let everyone around your healthcare team know so they don’t spoil the surprise.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is around the size of an apricot and they're on the move this week thanks to their bones, muscles and nerves that form the limbs.

Your body at 12 weeks pregnant

Good news – the end of the first trimester is when most mothers-to-be report their nausea disappearing and feeling less tired. Your body will continue to go through changes on a weekly basis, including hormonal changes which will cause your muscles to soften and relax to allow for your pregnancy to develop. One set of muscles you don’t want to lose control over is your pelvic floor! Pelvic floor exercises are important during pregnancy in order to help support those muscles involved in going to the toilet, you’ll thank yourself later for keeping these exercises going through your pregnancy. At the 12th week of pregnancy, your uterus will shift upwards relieving some of that pressure on the bladder.

If you have been anxious to feel the baby move, it generally starts around the 4th month of your pregnancy. Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen immediately, especially if you are a first-time mum. You just might not know what it feels like. It isn’t a huge earth-shattering sensation, more like light, butterfly-wings flapping inside you. When you do feel it, you can rub your belly to say hello right back! 

Your 12 Weeks Pregnant Belly

Weight gain is an inevitable outcome of pregnancy and it will be different for everyone and depends on your starting weight. Although not all women will notice their belly at 12 weeks pregnant, it won’t be too much longer until you do, as most women will notice their belly growing in the second trimester.

12 weeks pregnancy symptoms

Every woman will experience pregnancy differently, including various pregnancy symptoms. At 3 months pregnant, you may experience any of the following 10 symptoms:

10 pregnancy symptoms at 12 weeks

Diet for week 12 of pregnancy

Hungry? While you didn’t need more kilojoules than before you were pregnant during your first trimester, you’ll soon need around 1,400 extra kilojoules per day during your second trimester to support your growing baby. Getting these extra kilojoules by eating nutritious meals and snacks from the five food groups will help your baby grow and develop in your womb:

  • Fruits e.g. Apple, pear, orange, kiwifruit.
  • Vegetables e.g. Pumpkin, leafy salad greens, broccoli.
  • Grains e.g. Whole grain pasta, rice, breads and cereals.
  • Dairy e.g. Yoghurt, low fat milk, pasteurised hard cheese.
  • Protein foods e.g. Red meat, fish, chicken, eggs, lentils and beans.

Wondering what 1400 kilojoules looks like? Try a lunch of whole grain bread topped with 60 g of turkey breast, 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise, some greens, low fat cheese, and tomato slice.  Add a small piece of fruit and ½ glass of milk to drink.  This healthy ‘mini-meal’ contains about 1,400 kilojoules.

Managing extra kilojoules each day can be tricky, as there are foods to avoid during your pregnancy, and it’s also important that the extra kilojoules come from healthy choices. Check out these simple food swaps for inspiration.


Tips for week 12 of pregnancy

  • Getting sick during pregnancy - A lot of women wonder what can happen if they get sick while pregnant. A cold or a stomach upset usually has no effect on an unborn child. It is important to inform your healthcare professional about any illness because they will know exactly which treatment and which medicine will help a mother-to-be without harming the child.
  • Get your steps in - Exercise is so good for you during pregnancy for numerous health and well-being reasons. Choose pregnancy-safe exercises that help strengthen your joints and muscles, in preparation for your growing belly, labour and post-birth recovery.
  • Dark coloured skin patches – It is very common for women to experience darker patches of skin on their face and neck during pregnancy. It’s called ‘chloasma’ (also known as melasma), it is very normal and due to hormonal changes, that increase the amount of melanin levels in the body. Don’t worry though, these generally fade and disappear on their own after your baby is born.


Frequently asked questions about being 12 weeks pregnant

12 weeks is how many days?

Given there are 7 days in a week, 12 weeks is equivalent to 84 days.  Some also round this to be roughly 3 months pregnant.

What happens in the 12th week of pregnancy?

The 12th week of pregnancy comes with continued changes in hormone levels  which hopefully brings some reprieve of morning sickness for those who have been suffering.  It is usually the start of any first external signs of a growing belly also. For your little one inside, their organs are all functioning and are continuing to grow, and they will start to make small movements as their reflexes develop and they start to practice breathing and swallowing motions.

How big is a foetus at 12 weeks?

While every pregnancy is unique, a 12 week old foetus is approximately 6cm in length from head to bottom and weighs about 18g.  This is roughly the size of an apricot.

12 weeks of pregnancy is how many months?

12 weeks of pregnancy is roughly equivalent to 3 months pregnant.

How big is a uterus at 12 weeks pregnant?

A woman’s uterus varies in size between individuals depending on age and stage of life, so it’s very difficult to say exactly, or give an average size. During pregnancy, the uterus undergoes several changes and dramatically increases to accommodate your growing baby. After birth, it will eventually return to its pre-pregnancy size.

What should I be feeling at 12 weeks pregnant?

You may experience a range of feelings at this time of your pregnancy as every pregnancy is unique.  Some common feelings at 12 weeks of pregnancy can include easing of morning sickness; the start of increased energy levels; less pressure on your bladder as your uterus moves upward; excitement and relief as you enter the second trimester.  Emotions can vary and it’s normal to have a mix of emotions during this time. Practise self-care and if you are concerned about the way you are feeling, seek support from your healthcare professional.




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