Pregnant woman exercising next to a river

15 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2

15 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2

Apr 24, 2023
2 mins

Though your baby is growing deep inside you, this is the week where everything gets set up for their sense of hearing.

Your Baby at 15 Weeks

Your baby’s chest begins to rise and fall, though they are irregular movements for the moment.  Your baby will start to hear for the first time, listening to everything inside you including your heartbeat, your digestion of food, and your voice. Your conversations with them will help them be familiar with your voice and the way you talk when they meet you in person.

At 15 weeks, your baby is around the size of an orange and has become co-ordinated enough to find their mouth and can start sucking their thumb.

Your Body at 15 Weeks Pregnant

Your baby should be making their appearance in about 23 weeks. You may be feeling wonderful, thrilled to be pregnant and full of energy. Or, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed, like your body is not your own. Both scenarios can be totally normal.  If the latter is true for you and you are also feeling a bit blue, talk to your doctor about solutions that can help you feel more positive.

Diet for Week 15 of Pregnancy

Feeling a bit ‘clogged up’? Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy. It is advisable to drink plenty of water (at least 9 cups a day) and eat foods rich in fibre, such as:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables,
  • whole grain breads & cereals (and the grains themselves!);
  • and lentils & beans.

If the problem persists and you’re still not going to the toilet as regularly as you normally would, talk to your doctor.

Tips for Week 15 of Pregnancy

Moderate physical activity during pregnancy is recommended for healthy women, and may help keep weight gain in check, and aid in constipation. Talk to your healthcare professional if you are unsure about the physical activity you normally do.



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