pregnant woman doing a yoga stand holding her belly

16 Weeks Pregnant – Trimester 2

16 Weeks Pregnant – Trimester 2

Sep 10, 2024
4 mins

If you could see inside yourself and watch your growing baby, you might see them sucking their thumb! They have finally managed to get it to their mouth.

Welcome to week 16 of your pregnancy. Get ready to explore the wonders of what is happening with you and your baby’s development this week.

Baby development at week 16 of pregnancy

If you haven’t already, it is possible that you will feel your baby move for the first time this week (or in the coming weeks). These movements are still very light, so don’t expect massive sensations. While your 16 weeks pregnant bump may not be too big, be on the lookout for what feels like butterfly wings inside your belly. Or small bubbles. It is exciting and wonderful when it happens.

A week 16 of pregnancy, your little lodger is around the size of a pear and has developed their hearing so that they can hear everything happening outside the womb much more clearly.

16 Weeks Pregnant video

At week 16 of pregnancy, your little lodger is around the size of a pear and has developed their hearing so that they can hear everything happening outside the womb much more clearly.

Your body at 16 weeks pregnant

If you have been experiencing cravings, you might be wondering if it’s because you are lacking nutrients. No, it’s more likely a hormone-related side effect of pregnancy. You've probably noticed that certain foods seem "different" or less appetising. Others, however, feel like they are indispensable! Welcome to your week 16 pregnancy symptoms, there’s no real rhyme or reason to it. Just do your best to think about “moderation” in all you eat. Try and balance treating yourself with taking care of yourself and your growing child.

Nutrition at 16 weeks pregnant

As part of a varied nutritious pregnancy diet, vitamin A is important but in just the right amounts, neither too much nor too little. Confused? Foods to eat that are a good source of Vitamin A include:

  • Milk and dairy products
  • Eggs (the yolks in particular)
  • Some bright orange and yellow fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes or carrots. They contain provitamin A carotenoids that the body can convert to vitamin A.

Excessive intake though could be harmful to your developing baby.


Tips for week 16 of pregnancy

Many new parents will attend an antenatal class at around week 16 of pregnancy to start to prepare for the baby’s birth, especially if this is a first baby (or if a first baby was born ages ago!). If you haven’t already booked one in, it may be worth investigating now. You will learn about the birth, and about pain relief, breathing, and relaxation techniques. A visit to a delivery room, exercises for fitness in pregnancy, answers to your questions about breastfeeding and many other really useful things can also be on the program. Antenatal classes are the ideal opportunity to get to know other mothers or couples as well. Who better to share your experience with? 


Frequently asked questions about being 16 weeks pregnant

Can you feel the baby at 16 weeks?

It is possible to start feeling your baby's movements around 16 weeks of pregnancy. These early movements, known as "quickening," may feel like flutters, bubbles, or gentle taps inside your belly. However, every pregnancy is different, and some women may not feel movement until later. If you are concerned about your baby’s growth talk to your healthcare professional for personalised advice and reassurance.

Is 16 weeks considered 5 months pregnant?

At 16 weeks of your pregnancy, you are considered to be in the fourth month of pregnancy. While it is close to the five-month mark, the exact transition to the fifth month occurs around 18-20 weeks. It's important to talk to your healthcare professional for accurate tracking of your pregnancy milestones.

What happens in the 16th week of pregnancy?

During the 16th week of pregnancy, your baby's facial features become more defined, and they may start sucking their thumb and making facial expressions. Week 16 pregnancy symptoms may include weight gain, increased energy levels, and a decrease in morning sickness for those who were unlucky enough to experience that. It's important to continue regular prenatal care and consult with a healthcare professional to get more personal questions answered. 




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