Pregnant woman wearing a purple top chopping vegetables

19 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2

19 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2

Apr 24, 2023
3 mins

Your little lodger weighs around 260 grams – weigh a small sweet potato in your hand and that’s about how heavy they are. 

Your Baby at 19 Weeks

There’s a whole lot of growing going on and your baby is becoming more active.  They aren’t necessarily on your time clock and can wake you up at night as they move around restlessly. Try to gently caress your belly and talk to your little bump, it may be calming, and maybe you’ll both be able to get back to sleep. As they are not very big, they have lots of room to move arms and legs around, and kick. Remember to rub your bump to let your baby know that you are there!

At 19 weeks, your baby is around the size of a small sweet potato and will be developing sleep patterns (that might not match yours). Reassure them with belly rubs when you feel them moving around.


Your Body at 19 Weeks Pregnant

Though your body is doing its job almost on auto-pilot, there are still a few things that need to be taken care of externally. If you haven’t already done so, discuss with your obstetrician or midwife at your next check-up how you want to give birth. Hospitals usually offer antenatal classes for parents-to-be, so you can familiarise yourself with their processes for when you’re in labour and during delivery.

Diet for Week 19 of Pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy is very individual, and will depend on your starting weight.  Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can lead to a number of complications for you and your baby. Contrary to some beliefs, an extra-large baby at birth is not healthier than a baby born at a healthy weight. In addition, a high birth weight can indicate a baby will have a greater chance of becoming overweight during their childhood years. As well as leading to other problems, childhood obesity often leads to adult obesity.  Discuss with your health care professional how your weight gain is stacking up compared to what is recommended for you.

Tips for Week 19 of Pregnancy

Hooray! You are at the midway point of your pregnancy. This is a great time to pat yourself on the back! You have achieved something tremendous after all. Of course, like all parents-to-be, you have a lot of unanswered questions – like, for example, what happens from this point on. That is why it is worth going to an antenatal class. Knowing what is going on takes away a lot of uncertainty. Talking to other mothers- and parents-to-be is also particularly helpful.  An antenatal class is also a good time to learn more about breastfeeding. By thinking ahead during your pregnancy, you’ll build your confidence to breastfeed when your baby arrives.



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