31 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3

31 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3

31 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3

Apr 24, 2023
3 mins

At 31 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a leaf of kale. They will start getting into position for birth soon.

Your Baby at 31 Weeks

Your baby is still growing and growing. As of this week, they weigh almost half of what they will weigh at birth, and still have a few more centimetres to grow as well. Meanwhile, they can start to get into the position they will have at the time of delivery: around 95% of pregnancies are delivered with the baby’s head first. This is called the "presentation" and can be determined at the next ultrasound, but don’t worry if your baby hasn’t moved into position yet, there is still time.

At 31 weeks, your baby is around the size of a leaf of kale and is now half the weight they will be at birth. Many babies will start getting into position for birth from this week.


Your Body at 31 Weeks Pregnant

As your body is getting ready to breastfeed, don’t be surprised if you find yellow flecks on your blouse or T-shirt once in a while: that is “pre-milk,” or colostrum. Though unexpected, it is a good sign. It means your breasts are getting ready for feeding your child. The colostrum you give your baby in the first few days contains important antibodies that help kick start your child’s immune system. Not every woman produces pre-milk at this point. If you are one of them, you can protect your clothing with breast pads placed inside your bra. 

Diet for Week 31 of Pregnancy

As your baby will be putting on an additional 1 to 1½ kilos between now and their birth, getting enough kilojoules is so important.  Some of the extra kilojoules that your body stores can be used during the process of making breastmilk after your baby is born.  While on average, mums-to-be will need an extra 1900kJ/d during this last trimester, it’s important these extra kilojoules come from healthy foods. You may find this challenging at times as some of your taste preferences have changed during pregnancy, foods you once enjoyed can no longer be tolerated, or take on a completely different flavour. For example, if you can no longer tolerate your avocado on toast, try a nut spread instead.

Tips for Week 31 of Pregnancy

The size of a woman’s breasts has absolutely nothing to do with how well she can nurse her baby. Repeat – there is no relation at all! Even if small-chested, you should have no problem breastfeeding your child. A woman with a small chest should not produce any less milk than any other woman – the amount of milk is determined by how much your baby drinks. Your baby will know just how much they need and your body will produce the right amount to match.



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