Pregnant woman packing her hospital bag using a list

39 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3

39 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3

Apr 24, 2023
3 mins

You might have felt a few contractions already and were wondering if that was “it”. Don’t worry, you won’t miss the start of labour! 

Your Baby at 39 Weeks

There’s still a little fat developing under your baby’s skin, preparing them to face the world after being all lovely and cozy inside their nest for so long. Almost at birth weight, your little one has next to no room to move around.  Everything is pretty much in perfect working order, they’re just waiting to meet you.

At 39 weeks, your baby is around the length of a silverbeet leaf and there's still a little fat developing under their skin to prepare them for birth, after being comfy and warm in the womb.


Your Body at 39 Weeks Pregnant

First-time mothers are particularly unsure about recognising when labour has started. Let us reassure you – you will know! And very few babies are born so quickly that their mothers can’t get to the hospital in time. On the contrary, many parents-to-be are sent back home by the doctor at the hospital because they have come in too soon. You might feel a bit nauseous just before the birth or have a headache, and feel an almost leaden tiredness. Often some blood or mucus appears, sometimes referred to as the ‘show’. This is a sign that the cervix has opened. If the contractions have started, then labour has begun! The difference between Braxton-Hicks contractions and real, first-stage contractions? With Braxton-Hicks, the belly tightens for a short time then relaxes, and they are irregular. “Genuine” contractions, on the other hand, get stronger. They come at regular intervals that get shorter and shorter.  

Diet for Week 39 of Pregnancy

You have been eating so well for the past nine months, to support good health for you and your baby. Those are great habits to keep and in general, are consistent with a healthy diet while breastfeeding. While breastfeeding, you will need to eat foods containing enough extra calories to support milk production, but consuming more than your body needs may stop you from losing weight or lead to weight gain.  

Tips for Week 39 of Pregnancy

Immediately after the birth, most midwives will lay the baby on your front, where he or she will feel comfortable despite the new surroundings because they can feel your warmth, smell your skin and recognise your voice and heartbeat! This is a great time to put your baby onto your naked skin and to your breast so they can feel you and suckle for the first time. Then you can finally hold your longed-for darling in your arms after all that hard work. What a fabulous pay-off!



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