Baby Meal Planner 10-to-12-months

Baby Meal Planner 10 to 12 Months

Baby Meal Planner 10 to 12 Months

9-12 months
Jan 3, 2016
1 min

Around 10-12 months, babies are ready for harder finger foods & self-feeding. This article will give you some great menu ideas for your little one as they grow toward toddlerhood.

Consistency: Harder finger foods and self-feeding, some parents choose to start at this phase with soft finger foods.

Amount: Up to 1 ½ cups at meal times and ½ cup at snacks

Breastfeeds: 2-3 breast feeds per day

Timing: Before or between breastfeeds

Frequency: 3 meals a day and 2 snacks per day

Types of foods: Continue to offer new foods including foods which baby can feed to themselves.

Check out our recipes for babies from 10 months.

Note – Always seek individualised advice when you have a family history of allergy, intolerance, coeliac disease or your baby is suspected to have feeding delays (such as tongue tie or physical or mental disabilities).



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