Vanilla Custard with Stewed Fruits or Fruit Mash

Vanilla Custard with Stewed Fruits or Fruit Mash

6-9 months
Prep: 10 mins
Cooking: 10 mins
Portion(s): 2


1 egg yolk

½ tbsp cornflour

¾ cup (190mL) milk

¼ tsp vanilla essence alcohol-free

2 tsp sugar

Stewed Fruits 
Fruits suitable to stew include apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, dates or rhubarb (ensure rhubarb leaves have been discarded).

Fruit Mash 
Fruits suitable to mash include bananas, berries, figs, honeydew, kiwi fruit, mango, nectarines, paw paw, peaches, rockmelon and watermelon. Choose fruit which is soft and ripe.

Step by step

  • Vanilla Custard with Stewed Fruits or Fruit Mash


    1. Place egg yolk and cornflour in a small saucepan; mix to combine. Add a small amount of milk to form a smooth paste; gradually add remaining milk, vanilla and sugar.

    2. Place over a medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until custard comes to the boil and thickens. Serve with stewed fruits or fruit mash.

    Stewed Fruits 
    1. Peel, core or seed and chop fruit.

    2. Place in a small saucepan with enough water to just cover the fruit; bring to the boil on a high heat; simmer just until tender.

    3. Puree or mash, according to baby’s age. For older babies, offer large pieces.

    Fruit Mash 
    1. Peel fruit if necessary and chop.

    2. Using a food processor or blender, process until smooth or mash for older babies.

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