pregnant woman getting an ultrasound

11 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1

11 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1

Sep 5, 2024
3 mins

If you could look inside your 11 weeks pregnant bump, you would see that your baby’s little brain has almost finished developing and their head is now proportionate to the rest of their body.

Welcome to week 11 of pregnancy. This week we explore more of the fascinating changes happening to your baby’s appearance as well as the possible changes you may be experiencing too.

Baby development at 11 weeks of pregnancy

Your baby is now an impressive 5cm long, around the size of a fig and it’s another busy week inside you. Nerve cells continue to multiply even if, for now, there’s no connection between them. Once these nerve cells are connected in and around the muscles, your baby will have reflex movements inside you.

11 Weeks Pregnant Video

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is around the size of a fig and is becoming perfectly proportionate. They can turn their head and wave their arms and legs around randomly.

Your body at 11 weeks pregnant

At 11 weeks pregnant, symptoms of morning sickness will hopefully start to settle down, as other symptoms may pick up. The waistband on your trousers if not already, is beginning to dig in and your regular bra size might be getting a bit too snug. Weight gain during pregnancy is very individual and will depend on your starting weight. Ask your healthcare professional if you are concerned about any weight gain during your pregnancy. Interestingly, the baby takes up the smallest proportion of the weight increase. At around 10 grams, your little fig is still a real lightweight. Most of the weight will be thanks to your expanded uterus, placenta and the amniotic fluid. 

Your nutrition at 11 weeks pregnant

To help maintain your bone health, it is essential for you to eat foods that ensure you and your baby are getting adequate calcium. Milk and dairy products are the richest food sources of calcium. Think 3.5 servings of dairy per day to cover your needs. If you don’t eat dairy, your doctor may recommend a calcium supplement, just to be sure you are getting enough every day.

Tips for your 11th week of pregnancy

Did you know your baby’s taste for food will develop inside the womb throughout pregnancy? Taste preferences will be influenced by whatever mum eats during pregnancy and by the taste of breast milk later on.


Frequently asked questions about being 11 weeks pregnant

How should I be feeling at 11 weeks pregnant?

At 11 weeks pregnant, your baby's organs have formed, and their face is becoming more recognisable. It’s exciting that you are reaching the end of your first trimester, and you may be feeling more energetic now that some of those early pregnancy symptoms start to subside. It's important to follow your pregnancy week-by-week to track your baby's development and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.

Is my baby fully formed at 11 weeks?

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is fully formed with organs, muscles, limbs, and bones in place. They can move their arms and legs, suck their thumb, and form a fist. However, it's important to note that development continues throughout pregnancy, there is still a lot of growing to go from here. For more detailed information, it's always best to talk with your healthcare professional.

Can you feel a baby's heartbeat at 11 weeks?

It is unlikely to feel your baby's heartbeat at 11 weeks of pregnancy. However, during an ultrasound, which is normally scheduled at around the 12 week mark, it is possible to see and hear the baby's heartbeat.




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