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Transitioning Between Formulas
Whenever you change from one feeding option to another it’s important to give your baby some time to adapt to the new feed. Read our parenting tips on how to transition your baby.
1 min to read

12 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
You’re coming to the end of your first trimester, and now 3 months pregnant. Congratulations!
6 mins to read

40 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
Time’s up! If they haven’t already, your baby will arrive any day now. And then you will be a parent at last! Read more about this week.
2 mins to read

37 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
Your baby tends to keep their head down, arms crossed, and legs folded up on their chest as there’s not much room to move around. They’ll be very glad to get out and stretch!
3 mins to read

33 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
About six weeks. That’s how long you’ve got left before you get to meet the little person growing inside you. Amazing, right? We think so. Read on to know more about this week.
3 mins to read

32 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
Your baby is still developing as you head into the final lap, but it’s mostly perfecting and polishing from here on out. They are getting ready to meet you!
2 mins to read

31 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
At 31 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a leaf of kale. They will start getting into position for birth soon. Learn more.
3 mins to read

30 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
Every day, your baby develops more, getting ready to make an entrance into the world in just under 10 weeks. Has it gone fast or is the time creeping by for you? Every mum feels it differently.
3 mins to read

29 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
As you inch your way towards the finish line – you will be giving birth in about ten weeks! – your baby is still growing by leaps and bounds, and most of their organs are fully functioning.
3 mins to read

28 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
Your little one is around 25 cm long from head to bottom and already weights about 1 kilogram, approximately a third of their birth weight.
2 mins to read

27 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 3
Your baby still has some growing to do but as of today, they’re around 24 cm long from head to bottom, big enough laying down to fit on your forearm between your hand and your elbow.
3 mins to read

25 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
At 25 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a medium sweet potato. They might be getting restless now, pushing with their hands and feet. Learn more.
2 mins to read

24 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
Can you feel the baby reacting to noises and your belly rub yet? Towards the end of the second trimester is when some women report that this starts to happen, so be on the lookout.
3 mins to read

23 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
Your baby weighs almost 550g. You have got around 16 more weeks to go! Read more about this week.
2 mins to read

22 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
If you could look inside, you may see your baby sucking their thumb. It’s nature’s way of getting your little one ready to breastfeed from birth. Read more about this week.
3 mins to read

20 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
There’s so much going on in your belly this week that you may want to take a little nap after reading about it! Read more about this week.
3 mins to read

19 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
Your little lodger weighs around 260 grams – weigh a small sweet potato in your hand and that’s about how heavy they are. Read more about this week.
3 mins to read

18 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
Lots of leaps and bounds happening in week 18, from nerve cells multiplying to the beginnings of fingerprints. Read more about this week.
3 mins to read

17 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
Your little one now weighs about 150g and is looking more and more like a “real” little person every day. Read more about this week.
2 mins to read

15 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
Though your baby is growing deep inside you, this is the week where everything gets set up for their sense of hearing.
2 mins to read

14 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
Your baby is about the size of an apple! Have you felt your little one move or kick yet? If not, you should be able to in the next weeks!
3 mins to read

13 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 2
The beginning of your second trimester is the start of lots of new development milestones for your baby.
2 mins to read

10 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
You are already at week 10 of your pregnancy, around a quarter of the way through your pregnancy. There’s still another 29 or so weeks to go before you get to meet your little love.
3 mins to read

9 Weeks Pregnant - Trimester 1
Two hearts beat as one, as the song says. In actual fact, your baby’s heart is beating just fine on its own and your little one is growing quickly.
4 mins to read